The holidays are finally here, and we are fully festive. It's time to kick off the holiday season in style, so what better way to do that than with 11 holiday-themed post ideas you can steal?
Whether you’re a brand or an influencer, it's time to get into the holiday spirit and create some content that your followers will surely hit love ❤️ and like 👍.
From decorating your home for the holiday season, baking tempting Christmas treats, to indulging in a bit of gift shopping — these ideas will help you transition from ordinary days into the holidays with ease and a whole lot of fun. Whether you're looking for creative photo shoot concepts or interesting stories, these post ideas will add warmth, joy, and holiday cheer to your social media feed this season.
Here are 11 post ideas from brands and influencers that you can steal or use for last-minute holiday posts. (Don't worry, we're not telling anyone!)
1. Your Transition into the Holiday
Whether you're decorating early or late, creating content that shows your holiday transition can make a great holiday post. Capture the process of decorating your home, office, or any other special place with festive decorations for the holiday season.
It's also a great way to give inspiration on how your home transformed from Halloween pumpkins to holiday lights and wreaths or from Thanksgiving dinner to holiday treats.
Take videos of your transition and top it off with your favorite holiday music, and you're all set just like this Reels we spotted from @madelinemandato — truly, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
2. Do a Christmas Giveaway
Who does not love #giveaways? Nothing says holiday spirit like a holiday giveaway, so why not combine the two and host your own holiday giveaway?
You can use an app like WooBox to create a holiday-themed quiz or poll, which will help you engage with your followers in a fun and festive way. But one of our favorites here at Carusele is At Home's 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway with 12 amazing At Home holiday decor items that can turn any holiday into joy and cheer. #client
We love what you did here At Home!
3. Showcase Your Favorite Holiday Recipes: Gingerbread
People love holiday recipes and holiday baking. And gingerbread is one of the holiday classics that never go out of style. Showcase your favorite holiday recipes, like this great recipe shared by lifestyle blogger Deborah Lynn of @bvintagestyle.
It's a delicious holiday treat that you can make with just four simple ingredients — perfect for last-minute holiday (cooking!) posts. Also, a gingerbread post making it to your feed is always a winner!
4. Get Crafty with Homemade Holiday Decorations
Nothing says holiday-ready like homemade holiday decorations. Creating your own holiday decorations is perfect for those who love to get crafty and adds a personal touch to your holiday decor.
You can showcase the finished product or create content that shows the process of creating holiday decorations. Not sure where to start? Take inspiration from holiday DIYs shared by @katiejakubowsky on Pinterest.
Get creative with your holiday decorations, take pictures of your holiday-themed crafts, and show them off in your holiday posts.
5. Share Your Pups in Holiday Costumes
If you have a furry friend in the family, holiday costumes are always a hit. Show off your pup's holiday spirit with funny holiday costumes and share them on your holiday posts. Who knows, maybe your followers will be inspired to dress their pups up too.
But if you're in for a little bit of fun, you can create a meme out of your pup's cutest make-face. (Say sorry to your pups first!) And if you don't have a pet, why not reach out to your followers and ask them to share their holiday-ready pets?
6. Take a Trip Down Memory Lane
Sharing holiday memories is one holiday post idea that will make your followers feel nostalgic. Take a trip down memory lane and share holiday moments from years ago. Share holiday throwback pictures, special holiday stories, or any fond holiday memories you have while growing up. Or better yet, share an amazing holiday story you'd like people to get inspired with — it can be as simple as celebrating with the family, or finding joy in the mundane days of life.
It can bring out holiday nostalgia in everyone and help spread holiday cheer. Plus, holiday memories are always something to be cherished!
7. Post your Favorite Red and Greens Holiday Charcuterie
Holiday posts don’t have to be relegated to decorations, cozy sweaters, and twinkly lights. The right image can make food campaigns very festive. And it doesn’t stop there. Look for influencers with a knack for up-leveling traditionally non-holiday products in celebratory ways. Like this charcuterie board from Dimitria of @Grateboards.
You can also share holiday recipes or holiday-themed cocktails in your holiday posts. So get creative and see how you can make any food holiday-ready.
8. Go the Extra Mile with a Giveback Challenge
It's always nice to give back during the holiday season, so why not challenge your followers to do the same? Ask your followers to participate in a holiday giveback challenge, like donating extra socks, gloves, or blankets to those in need. Or do your own, like our friend Jaclyn Misch does in this example.
This is an excellent holiday post idea that would make your followers feel good and help spread holiday cheer. It's the perfect way to give back and make a difference this holiday season!
9. Create a Holiday Gift Guide
Whether you're looking for holiday gifts for your friends and family or just looking for holiday gift ideas, creating a holiday gift guide is always a helpful holiday post idea. You can create content that features all the holiday items you love or even feature products from different brands in your holiday posts.
This holiday post idea will help your followers find the perfect holiday gifts for everyone on their list. A good Pinterest pin can help with that.
10. Share A-Day-In-The-Life Holiday Edition
Show your followers what a holiday looks like in your home or in the office. This holiday post idea will give you an opportunity to showcase holiday moments that are unique to you and create a connection with your audience.
You can share how you do holiday activities like decorating the tree, baking, or even shopping trips. Unfiltered A-Day-In-The-Life holiday posts are a great way to show your followers your personal holiday traditions or simply share the mundane holiday life inside the office. For brands, it's a great way to humanize your holiday posts and make them feel special.
11. Inspire with Your Holiday Story
People always love a good story. Your holiday post can also be an opportunity to share stories about the holiday season. Whether it's a holiday memory, a celebration that made you feel grateful for the season, or anything holiday-related, telling stories will help your followers connect with you on a deeper level and feel the holiday spirit.
It’s also a great holiday post idea to inspire your followers by sharing stories of holiday struggles you have faced or how you overcame holiday anxiety. It's always nice to know that we are not alone in our holiday journey, right?
The Bottom Line
The holiday season is the perfect time for brands and creators to create holiday-themed posts and engage with their followers. From holiday giveaways, recipes, gift guides, and collaborations, these 11 holiday post ideas will help you make your holiday posts stand out from the crowd this season.
Remember: Have fun with it! Find the holiday post idea that fits your brand or personal style, and have fun creating holiday-themed content. After all, holiday posts should be about spreading holiday cheer!
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