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Jan 09 Brand Influencer Marketing on the Rise for 2017

Brand influencer marketing campaigns are gaining more and more attention in the upcoming year.

So … it’s 2017 already. If you’re like us, the years are whizzing past faster than ever. And another thing that’s speeding along is the uptake of influencer marketing.

Jim Tobin, president of Carusele, predicts in a new article released this week that brand influencer marketing will continue to grow in 2017. Much of this growth can be attributed to the realization that this type of native advertising provides real and measurable ROI. He predicts that influencer marketing is quickly becoming a mainstream way for brands to deliver their message.

Another important trend to note is that brands will recognize the value of targeted micro-influencers over celebrities. The influencer industry will continue to fragment as brands and influencers alike wrestle with what they should be paying and charging; and how to satisfy the FTC but still deliver content that resonates with the audiences they’re trying to reach.




Live streaming will continue to be a big trend in 2017 for as long as Facebook continues to prioritize it. Facebook will likely back off once it becomes more mainstream and as influencers and brands have an increased comfort level with this type of content.

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Further predictions by Jim:

  • Native advertising will dominate
  • Influencer budgets will continue to increase
  • Renewed emphasis on organic reach

To read more about what Jim and other experts in the field predict for 2017, don’t miss this article by Diverge Now