The Carusele Influencer Marketing Blog

Why Influencer Marketing Works

Written by Jennifer Wagner | August 22, 2019

Influencer Marketing: The Biggest Buzzword of the Decade

"Should we invest in influencer marketing?" It's the question on everybody's mind. And if you're not asking yourself this, it's likely because you're already investing in influencer marketing (either with a specialty influencer marketing agency or in-house). But why has this marketing tactic become the biggest buzzword of the decade? 

Despite 75% of US marketers reporting "ROI of influencer programs as a top challenge," we know influencer marketing works... when done properly. Here's why.


As of 2019, 45% on the total world population uses social media and on average, consumers are spending about 2.5 hours on social networks every day. If you've done your research properly, then you know which channels your audience is using and more importantly, which channels they use to research products.

As more and more people shift away from television screens and other forms of media, influencers have become a great resource to more naturally connect with consumers in the channels that they're using every day. There are influencers on every type of social network that cover a range of industries. Now, it's not as easy for every brand, but it you find the right strategy you can still use influencers to connect with consumers.


It's no secret that consumers are more likely to trust an influencer than they are a brand. It's why more than 90% of online consumers read a review as part of their research journey. Influencer promotions are just different kinds of reviews, one's that aren't placed on the brand website or product page but published across their own blogs and social media channels for consumers to discover more naturally.

Not only do influencers gain the trust of their following, but their opinion is more likely to be trusted by someone who doesn't know the influencer versus the brand itself. This exact point is why the ads we run from influencer social account's are more effective than paid media run from the brand channel.


Consumers see influencers as real people (which is why they're also more effective than celebrity endorsements). They also follow influencers that they relate to and feel that following them will also benefit them-self in some way or another.

So when an influencer promotes a specific product, the audience is able to see how that specific item could tie into their life and benefit them in some way. It's much more sophisticated than just asking an influencer to push Instagram-worthy product shots, it's humanizing the brand.


So there you have it - why influencer marketing is... well, influential. What's next is developing a specific influencer marketing strategy that works for your brand and will effectively measure your ROI. If you have an in-house team gearing up to launch, you can can get started with our 9-step checklist for influencer marketing success. Alternatively, a specialty influencer agency such as Carusele is going to be more effective in not only helping to develop your strategy, but be able to find you the right influencers and manage the many of the more tedious tasks that come along side an influencer marketing campaign. Feel free to fill out the form below to learn how we can help you today!