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Regardless of Follower Size, Influencer Rates Are Unlikely to Vary
Regardless of Follower Size, Influencer Rates Are Unlikely to Vary

Recently The New York Times wrote an article about the rising popularity of nano-influencers, as opposed to brands using micro-influencers or macro-influencers, and a lot of people in the industry...

Stop Comparing Influencer Campaign Costs Against Paid Media
Stop Comparing Influencer Campaign Costs Against Paid Media

Brands trying to compare the cost of an influencer campaign to the cost of buying ads themselves on social channels are making a mistake - here's why.

Instagram Purges Fake Accounts, Likes, and Engagements
Instagram Purges Fake Accounts, Likes, and Engagements

While most of us were enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday last week, Instagram pulled a major purge of fake followers eliminating tens of thousands of followers from some influencer accounts. However,...

20 Influencer Marketing Buzzwords Defined
20 Influencer Marketing Buzzwords Defined

Influencer marketing - it's taking over the world! Ok, ok - the marketing world at least. And as a marketer, understanding the basics of influencer marketing is a MUST. If your boss comes to you...

Eight Questions to Consider Before Implementing Work-From-Home Wednesdays
Eight Questions to Consider Before Implementing Work-From-Home Wednesdays

This article was originally appeared on Forbes,on November 8, 2018.

Carusele Now Offers White Label Influencer Marketing Services to Agencies and In-House Teams
Carusele Now Offers White Label Influencer Marketing Services to Agencies and In-House Teams

Carusele, a leading influencer marketing agency, today announced a new offering of white label services for agencies and in-house marketing teams. Carusele can apply the experience of over 150...

How Much Does an Influencer Marketing Campaign Cost?
How Much Does an Influencer Marketing Campaign Cost?

Why Media Targeting Should Be An Essential Component of Your Influencer Programs
Why Media Targeting Should Be An Essential Component of Your Influencer Programs

One of the largest problems with influencer marketing: targeting the right audience

How Influencer Managers are Complicating the Industry
How Influencer Managers are Complicating the Industry

Today we're looking into a topic that's quite controversial - and that's should influencers hire managers?

The Challenges of Influencer Marketing Attribution
The Challenges of Influencer Marketing Attribution

Many marketers have struggled with attribution when it comes to measuring influencer marketing efforts. While the problem is simple, the solution isn't - but we have two possible solutions you can...